Some of our guests decide to ‘give something back’ by sponsoring a young person’s education or making a donation. This is entirely left to personal discretion: there are no expectations and no pressure is ever applied. Just by visiting Roving Bushtops (or any of our camps) you create work, inject money into the economy and make a positive difference to the local community.
Our local experts
We chose Kuria tribesmen to monitor wildlife at Roving Bushtops because of their deep knowledge and innate powers of observation. These young men are a superb addition to the Bushtops team. Our partnership saves them (and local wildlife) from their only other form of income: poaching.
Robanda School
Rewarding young people for their hard work
Every year we organise a special reward for Robanda’s star pupils. This is an environmental and educational tour of Serengeti National Park for the best and most improved performers across years 1 to 7.
The trip starts with wildlife sighting from our vehicles, giving the children a perspective they have never experienced before. After a stop at the Seronera airstrip Visitors Center, we arrive at Roving Bushtops, where our executive chef produces a feast. Then comes a tour of the camp facilities, before we take the wide-eyed youngsters home, bursting with stories to tell.
Pack for a Purpose
Should you wish to bring something for the schoolchildren on your visit, both schools at Robanda are always grateful for basics such as pens and paper, clothes and footballs. Bushtops is a proud member of Pack for a Purpose, an initiative that allows travelers like you to make a lasting impact on the local community. If you save space in your suitcase for supplies, you’ll positively affect the lives of our local children and families.
To see what supplies are most needed, visit our page on the Pack for a Purpose website.
"Truly exceptional in every way !!"
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