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Written By

Camille Fly McGarry


A Year to Celebrate

With 2023 being right around the corner, we have some fantastic news to share with you. Serengeti Bushtops has been named one of the most incredible hotels in the world by the Fodor’s Finest List 2023.

We couldn’t be more grateful, and honored to be a part of this amazing list alongside the best the world has to offer. This journey would not have been possible without all the wonderful people we work with, but also without you, our dear guests, without whom this luxury safari adventure would not be the same.

In Fodor’s own words : “Wake up somewhere new in 2023. Escape the endless chaos of everyday life and step right up into one of these 92 palaces of escapist make-believe”.

Thank you for making 2023 already beautiful!

Discover more about our safari in the Serengeti on Fodor’s latest article here.

But in the meantime, we wish you a

Happy Holiday Season!

From the entire Bushtops Family